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DudeAI Features

How does it work?

  • Search your favourite topic

    NLP (Natural Language Processing): When a user enters a search query, NLP algorithms are employed to understand the user's intent. NLP parses the query and identifies keywords or entities to determine the user's preferred topic.
    Web Scraping: The system uses web scraping to search various websites or online sources for content related to the user's query. It retrieves text, images, or other relevant data from these sources.
    Voice Recognition: If the user prefers to use voice input for searching, voice recognition technology converts their spoken words into text that can be processed by the NLP system.

  • Bookmark & Keep it for yourself

    NLP: After finding relevant content, NLP is used to extract key information and metadata from the web pages. This information can include the title, URL, publication date, and a brief summary.
    Database/Storage: The system stores this information in a database, allowing users to bookmark and save the content for future reference. Users can also add personal notes or tags to categorize their saved content.

  • Read & Enjoy

    NLP: When a user wants to access their saved content, NLP helps in understanding their request. For example, they might say, "Show me my saved articles on AI."
    Database Retrieval: The system retrieves the saved content from the database based on the user's request and displays it in a user-friendly format.
    Voice Output: If the user prefers voice interaction, the system can employ text-to-speech technology to read the content aloud, allowing users to listen and enjoy the content without needing to read it on their own.

Frequently Asked Questions


The Bard API is a conversational AI developed by Google. It allows developers to integrate natural language understanding and generation into applications. It works by processing and generating human-like text responses based on the input it receives, making it suitable for chatbots, virtual assistants, and more.

Our own algorithm is a custom solution that leverages various technologies, including voice recognition, web scraping, and natural language processing (NLP). It enables us to build chat systems that can understand and respond to user input, scrape data from the web for real-time information, and use NLP techniques for context-aware responses. It's a flexible and powerful method for creating engaging and interactive applications.

Our own algorithm has a wide range of applications. Voice recognition is used in voice assistants and transcription services. Web scraping can be employed for gathering data from websites, such as news updates or product information. NLP enhances conversation quality, allowing our applications to understand and respond more intelligently to user queries. Together, these technologies open doors to applications like virtual assistants, data aggregators, language translation, and much more.
Bard Ai Own Alg
